
About Aleksandra

When I'm not covered in flour baking fresh bread for my fam or enjoying relaxing yoga stretches, I help women who own small businesses uniquely position themselves so they become their client's obvious choice and easily get paid a premium for their services - even if they are strapped for time and have ZERO marketing skills.

3 Steps To Get More Clients To Buy, Buy More, and Buy More Often

2021-09-13T20:27:28+00:00By |Categories: Lead Generation|

Angle: What if you could get more clients by simply having your audience tell you what they need to hear or see to become your clients and buy? It was 8.42 AM. I pulled my hand away from the hot water as I was washing off pastured eggs and bacon breakfast leftovers from my plate. TV noise in the background suddenly caught my attention. “He skipped the democracy part of shaking hands with people [...]

The no-fail way to stop being JEALOUS of other women (and their successes)

2021-07-16T17:38:52+00:00By |Categories: Mindset|

Angle: Could you stop being jealous of other women's successes - today? The pause has started turning into an uncomfortable silence. I could hear her take a big breath. "I hate to admit, but I'm jealous! Or maybe, it's not so much that I am being jealous of what she has accomplished as much as I am frustrated with where I am", she spoke softly. That took guts to admit, and I told her as much. Al [...]

Best Lead Magnet Ideas For Getting New Leads

2021-09-15T21:20:55+00:00By |Categories: Lead Generation|

Angle: How do you know if you picked the right lead magnet? Anna has been running her CPA practice for 17 yrs but when she sat down to put a lead magnet together, she got stumped. Choosing the format went easy: printable, not-printable pdf or a video checklist or a guide However, choosing the correct topic seemed to be looking more like stuffing my size 7 foot into a lovely but real size 6 suede [...]

Discover 3 Shocking Reasons Your Business Is Stuck

2021-10-04T16:44:24+00:00By |Categories: Lead Generation|

Angle: If I had a penny for every time I said "That is not what I had in mind. Had you just asked me first..." - I think I'd be a millionaire! But since most prospects don't ask before they flee your offer, could avoiding these types of marketing blunders be the answer to more green bags? To what degree could this sort of assumption also be a culprit for 3 shocking reasons your business is stuck, [...]

5 Ways Your Website is Sabotaging Your Lead Generation

2021-10-04T17:13:38+00:00By |Categories: Lead Generation|

Angle: If website is your online real estate for getting leads, how important is the location of its elements? And if it is all about the location, could the wrong placement actually be sabotaging your success? There very well could be... the real sabotage at play. Here are 5 ways your website could be sabotaging your lead generation 1) You have no website listed on your social media profiles It' [...]

3 Ways To Increase Your LinkedIn Lead Conversions

2021-07-05T20:50:35+00:00By |Categories: Lead Generation, Social Media|Tags: |

Yes, you're a woman and like shopping, but when was the last time you bought a hazmat suit??? To my point, a day does not go by without one of my LinkedIn connections asking me to buy their stuff without ever knowing who I am, what I am about, or what I need or want.  Those LinkedIn connections want to be turned into leads. After 4 failed haircuts, I said: "Enough is enough!" I warned her, I sho [...]

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