Here is how this peachy thing works…

In today’s world of insta-’s: insta-gram, insta-cart, insta-coffee… one thing can somehow never become truly insta-…


And even though I’m always rolling my eyes at slow driving pokes who create a 20-car-long-lines behind them, there is a time for being more moderately paced while enjoying a meaningful conversation over a cup of your fav drink.

This is one of those times.

So grab your cup of coffee and your fav readers (if you use them), and let’s get to know each other first. (…I promise no hair tossing or “F-ing” language around here – though I might give you “the look”)


Here’s what’s going on behind the scenes of internet marketing and what other coaches, mentors, and internet marketing gurus won’t tell you

There are 5 different areas of your businesses directly affecting your ability to generate more leads.

Addressing the incorrect part with randomly chosen strategies can cause you to be running in circles and getting nowhere fast. If you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and “A closet full of clothes, nothing to wear” resembles your lead generating system stuffed with strategies upon strategies but still ending up with lame results, you’re probably working on the wrong end of the lead gen spectrum, or perhaps you’ve even focused on the right area, but the strategies you’re using are causing an inconspicuous conflict.

What you need is a 10,000 foot view of your lead gen modus operandi PLUS instructional steps on what to do next.

So before you reach out for one more faux lead gen strategy or a tool, let’s figure out where the genuinely weak spots really are in YOUR business, and what should you be focusing on FIRST.

STEP 1: Choose Your Immediate Area Of Concern

To Get A FREE Step-by-step Guide So You Can Get More YESes And Sell More, More Often

Get Positioned To Become The Obvious Choice

10 Marketing Tweaks To Get More YES’s to your offers – AND get paid a premium

Get Positioned For Profitable List Building

Create An Irresistible Lead Magnet – even if you’ve never created one before

Get Positioned To Attract New Clients

Easily Boost Your Sales Pitch so you can attract new clients effortlessly


I am NOT apologizing for the awesomeness you’re about encounter, my dear. These guides and the follow-up emails are jammed packed full of actionable advice to help you attract new leads effortlessly and finally find the strategies that will work for you. (warning: The rush you’ll feel is equivalent to a 70% off the pair of Ralph Lauren sandals you’ve been eyeing for a while now)

I love the quick-blueprint! It showed me exactly where the weak spots are. I can finally stop jumping from one thing to another and just focus on the right strategies for my business.

Mary Young, Interior Designer

OMG! What an eyeopener! Now things are making so much more sense and I’m no longer feeling overwhelmed. Thank you for opening my eyes!

Jana G. , Financial Advisor

I knew I could use some guidance in growing my business in a way that will not get me to a total burnout again. This is exactly what I needed. I’m so thrilled I found you.

Anna Brooks, Real Estate Broker

Next, let’s hang out

If you’re getting a feeling, like I am, that we might be getting to like each other – hopefully you grabbed a resource above that you feel would be the most beneficial for you at this time and let’s hang out a bit more.

Then, anytime you’re with a cup of coffee or a tea, check out your inbox for one of my cool-witted, light and easy emails in which I debunk the myths of marketing, and always, always, open your eyes to looking at your business from a different angle helping you power up your biz game – for free. See you on the inside!

-> make sure you follow the directions to whitelist me and add me to your favs – so you dont’ miss on our powerful virtual coffee & tea dates

Get Positioned To Become The Obvious Choice

10 Marketing Tweaks To Get More YES’s – even when charging premium