Social Media

3 Ways To Increase Your LinkedIn Lead Conversions

2021-07-05T20:50:35+00:00By |Categories: Lead Generation, Social Media|Tags: |

Yes, you're a woman and like shopping, but when was the last time you bought a hazmat suit??? To my point, a day does not go by without one of my LinkedIn connections asking me to buy their stuff without ever knowing who I am, what I am about, or what I need or want.  Those LinkedIn connections want to be turned into leads. After 4 failed haircuts, I said: "Enough is enough!" I warned her, I sho [...]

10 Cardinal Sins Of LinkedIn Marketing. And how to avoid them.

2021-07-17T21:11:50+00:00By |Categories: Lead Generation, Social Media|

Angle: Could we be so blinded by our own actions to not see that we're offering the same thing we tend to turn down ourselves? Have you ever during your LinkedIn marketing efforts posted content only to visit a few days later and still only hear crickets? Are you tired of sending messages to people who either ignore you or only want to sell you their stuff in return? "Is it time to ditch the pla [...]

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