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The no-fail way to stop being JEALOUS of other women (and their successes)

By |Categories: Mindset|

Angle: Could you stop being jealous of other women's successes - today? The pause has started turning into an uncomfortable silence. I could hear her take a big breath. "I hate to admit, but I'm jealous! Or maybe, it's not so much that I am being jealous of what she has accomplished as much as I a [...]

3 Ways To Increase Your LinkedIn Lead Conversions

By |Categories: Lead Generation, Social Media|Tags: |

Yes, you're a woman and like shopping, but when was the last time you bought a hazmat suit??? To my point, a day does not go by without one of my LinkedIn connections asking me to buy their stuff without ever knowing who I am, what I am about, or what I need or want.  Those LinkedIn connections wa [...]

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